Freedom through the Spirit of the Lord, His Wisdom, His Understanding, His Counsel, His Strength, His Knowledge and Fear of the Lord. “My people perish for lack of knowledge.“ – Hosea 4:6
We come together as one with one sole purpose…The Preparation for The Coming of Our Messiah, The Anointed One. Yah’shua, Father God’s Salvation, Our Lord And King Jesus Christ.
“But you are not to be called rabbi (teacher), for you have one Teacher and you are all brothers. >I Am Your Teacher, Your Rabbi< Do not call anyone (in the church) on earth father, for you have one Father, Who is in Heaven. >I Am Your Father Who Resides In The Highest Place< And you must not be called masters (leaders), for you have one Master (leader), the Christ (Messiah, YAH’shua). > I Am The Anointed One of the Father!< >He is My Son!< He who is greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself (with haughtiness and empty pride) shall be humbled ( brought low) and whoever humbles himself (whoever has a modest opinion of himself and behaves accordingly) shall be raised to honor.” Mathew 23: v.8-12 And >Our Lord God.<
We ascribe to and seek only His Truth, His Revelation in all things. We are fed by the living water of His Provision, Power, Purity and Peace.
“Then will the righteous (those who are upright and in right standing with God) shine forth like the sun in the kingdom of the Father. Let him who has ears (to hear) be listening, and let him consider and perceive and understand by hearing.” Mathew 13:43
Father God exhorts us, “ Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God–this is your spiritual act of worship.
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is –His good, pleasing and perfect will. “ Romans 12: 1-2
I say to you my brothers and sisters…To follow The Lord Our God is a struggle…we share our struggles openly with each other and The Lord for we know that in our weakness. He And His Spirit Reside Strong And Sovereign Over All of our fear, doubts and limitations that are of our fear of mortal death, but we that know that we will share in Life Eternal fear no longer as our fear has been driven out by The Perfect Love of Our Father…Amen !!!
It is the example set forth by Jesus, The Son and by all that truly suffered agonizingly to follow Him and take a stand for Him ! The Light of Truth exposes all lies of the world in your mind, thus we fast to that world and free the Spirit in our hearts within…
We beseech You…Cleanse us oh Lord By The Fire of Your Holy Spirit As We Enter Your Fiery Furnace ! Cleanse us oh Lord with The Blood of The Lamb By The Power In Jesus’ Name, And The Power Of The Cross, The Blood And The Resurrection…Amen.
That we might stand upright, cleansed, pure and holy before You. We Seek You Lord For All Things Good…Your Perfect Release, Renewal and Restoration. Your Release, Your Freedom from bondage. Your Sacrifice is not wasted in us !!! May we emerge from our many sufferings Through and In Christ Jesus who died that we might live, free to blossom forth as a cherished & beautiful rose. May He tend, water and care for us, His children…Trust In Him; He will not let you fall..He cannot fail nor we in Him !
You must do but one thing and that is to fall fully, entirely into The Arms of The Lord. This is the trust and the faith He asks of us, His sheep. The Lord Is Worthy of all faith, love and trust…Seek Him !!!
What is The Tree of Life about?
The Tree of Life is the destination. The destination is a real relationship with Father God. To come to know the eternal Father. To grow every day, every moment in Him. It is first and foremost about The Love of the Father. The result is a daily, ongoing relationship with the Father. The way is the Lord Jesus Christ who lives and is real. The Holy Spirit is our guide. To empower God’s children through The Spirit of the Lord:
His Wisdom
His Understanding
His Counsel
His Strength
His Knowledge
And Fear of the Lord
These seven attributes of Father God are the guiding light onto our path. Indeed the path is narrow.
The Lord Says “My people are perishing for a Lack of Knowledge.” “My people with Lack Of Knowledge Lead My People To Perish” !
The wide path leads to destruction. The narrow path leads to life. It is through Him that we are enabled to walk a narrower and narrower path for there is but one path. Let us learn to make His footsteps our footsteps. We know and believe that He wishes us to walk in His path.
We recognize that you, the Father’s children are coming from many angles of unique life experiences and life trauma. We understand what blindness results in because we were once blind and now we see.
The Tree of Life is about teaching you, through our Living Christ how to be independently guided by the Father. How to find unity in the body of Christ. How to tap into the healing power of our Lord.
The Tree of Life is about sanctification. To understand what Father God has to offer. To enter His refuge, His Sanctuary and His rest. You may not have a place to lay your head, your world, to rest. Even Jesus was one who could not find a place to rest His head in this world. He died that we might find the comfort in our Father as He was comforted by the Father to walk in His ministry and fulfill the Word and prophesy.
As a man in flesh He could never have gone to the cross
to provide us with eternal salvation. The Father was His Focus. The Father was His Guide. The Father was All Things.
Jesus showed us how to lay down self, to become nothing. He was the representation of the Father’s cloak of Humility. He came that we might see and that we might hear ! He came that we can come onto the Father. He Was, He Is and Will Always Be The Way. There before The Beginning and Here Now in preparation For The New Beginning !
The Tree of Life is about the Truth as revealed by our Lord and God. It is about undoing the lies of the world. It is about how to fast from the world. It is about understanding reverent prayer. It is about growth in the spirit, not stagnation or misdirection. How to go the distance in Him. How not to fall short of the mark. To know endurance. To finish the race.
The Tree of Life is about walking in the footsteps of our Lord. It is about walking at the speed he allows, not overreaching. It is about Christ’s demonstration of discipleship. It is about His ministry and His teachings then, in the Word, and now, as He Is The Living Word.
It is about Jesus cleansing the stains on our robes white with His Blood. It is about entering the refiner’s fire and being purged by the fire of the Holy Spirit. It is about knowing that we, the family, the body of Christ will stand with our brothers and sisters in that fire.
It is about standing in the protection offered in love by our Father, His Son and His Spirit. It is as in the days of Egypt when many lives were spared under the blood of the lamb on the doorway.
It is about protection at your doorway. And finally, it is about standing in the face of our world’s pharaohs saying “Let My People Go” knowing that the Lord is with us and that He will part the seas of this world to provide safe passage home to the Father’s Embrace. To reach the land of milk and honey knowing the Lord will help us to fight the battles that lie in wait on the way.
The Tree of Life is about the body of Christ coming together as individual free children in the Father, thus one with the Father and one with each other through the Father. It is about recognizing our common roots in the Tree of Life, our Father. Jews and Gentiles alike. It is about once again uniting the two branches of Judah and Ephraim as in the days under King David.
It is about being saved, but being free in His salvation and
not under the domination of the world systems.
We are about preparing the fields for the coming of the Son, looking forward to His once again drinking wine with us. It is about learning the ways of being a good shepherd from the Good Shepherd.
We are about soberness and vigilance. We are about increase and multiplication of the fruits of the Spirit. We are about recognizing that we all sit at the same table with Father God, under His light, His Lampstand. We are about nurturing His family, His body. We are about standing with Him, In Him..Together as one.
We will exemplify and speak His truth. We will stand in our weakness seeking His Strength. We will to fight the good fight knowing Our Advocate stands with us. This is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is living, walking, thinking, speaking and acting according to The Father’s Will.
We are to deliver nations onto the Lord. We deliver nations by sharing our richness in spirit His Spirit with those poor in spirit. This movement will flow out as a river that feeds the thirst of the many, not the few. His Tree, Our Tree is rooted in the His rivers.
This preparation of the fields will span to the ends of the earth, the four corners to reveal His Glory through the eyes and walk of His people. People called onto Him, by Him. People willing to apply their faith, trust knowing that His coming is the only thing that will save this earth. Watch Him take from the wicked and provide for the righteous in Him. for we are righteous for His Name’s Sake. He Will Prevail…He Will Provide !
For the Lord Has Said…“It is not what you do. It is what I your Lord and God do…Will you be vessels of My Truth?
Are you ready to be purged by the fire of My Holy Spirit? Are you ready to be cleansed by The Blood of the Lamb, My sons and daughters… My children ? ”
Know that the Father in heaven, His spirit, His Son and all those that serve the Lord in heaven are readying every step according to His will. We all work together in concert with Him, orchestrated by only Him, not as man, rather as His vessels of His Truth. We serve The King of Kings And The Lord of Lords. And may His Glory indeed reign.
We invite you to join us under the cloak of His humility. Will you accept His invitation onto Him, with us in servitude that He may use us, His Body?
Do you need help? He is here and we, in Him are here. Father God does not play favorites. All sent here by the Father are welcome. God will meet you wherever you stand, wherever you have come from. He will guide you in His ways.
Will you walk for and in His Glory? …For indeed, His Glory Shall Reign…Amen, Amen And Amen!
For more about The Tree of Life, please read this pdf:
The Package of Life MKS Link
The Musikreativ Studios are a part, a facet of The Yah’shua Project that began as a vision and a deep desire place in my heart by The Holy God of Israel. Yah’shua is the Hebrew name of Jesus Christ.
Musikreativ Studios is a space set apart unto God. The environment provides a freedom devoid from drivers like money and personal fame; they are non-existent. A common desire to truly serve God’s Will is realized in the gifted composers, musicians, songwriters, writers and artists that have gathered here. I did not seek them, they were led here to this place for such a time as this. The result is Living music...a shared journey. This is indeed a renaissance that we are now releasing that will grow like a wave washing over and engulfing the listener who has ears to hear.
We are located currently in Beloit, Wisconsin with numerous other locations in the world planned that will be inter-connected...Thus bringing significant increases our Musikreativ Studios Collective in the future!
Thank you so much for visiting our site! Please let others know about us because we do not advertise except through our releases that point people back to our studio!
Please know that MusiKreativ Studios is not a commercial studio that solicits recording, mixing or mastering business. We are a completely captive, self-funded entity that is bringing forth only the finest recordings, music and songs for your listening enjoyment without the driver of financial reward! Our riches are stowed away in Heaven…We are supported by Our Lord And God!
All correspondence should be addressed to:
Cornell d’Angelo, Director
MusiKreativ Studios
P.O. Box 854
Beloit, Wisconsin 53512-0854
Or, you may also contact us here.
The Mission of Musikreativ Studios is to serve as the vessel for, the sound and the voice of The Yah’shua Project. We will provide music recordings, songs, spoken word and visual web media along with videos to convey our message, to bring Light And Truth into a troubled world. We will continue to expand and enhance our capabilities technologically. Our plan is to establish numerous other studios throughout the world that are inter-connected...They will be structured based on our optimized model here.