The Breath, The Holy Spirit & Will of The Father is to be our light over the path He protects as The Way, the path to the Tree of Life, Life Everlasting. May The Father be glorified, edified & elevated through our obedience & in all we do…Yah’shua, Christ Jesus Is The Way.
I say…Lord set the captives free as You have set me free. To be free in You is to be free indeed. Only You know the depths of despair, the many sufferings and the pain of Your People. Only You know the veil that blinds. May Your Holy Hand reach down from the heavens into our stormy sea where the flesh rules the earth.
Show them that you are The Holy High One seated at the right hand of The Father. Show the earth the power and authority of Your Charge and of Your Holy Purposes. Part the seas for the safe return home unto The Holy Father, Our Holy, Ever Loving Yah.
Thou art truly Holy. Thy Spirit is the Breath I breathe, The Breath of Life Everlasting. You have filled my emptiness with the abundance of Your Presence.
I ask that You fill the many empty hearts. Man’s heart is sick and afflicted My Father. Pour out the Truth of Your Spirit upon them. Grant them Your Gift of repentance that they might stand humbly, in meekness before You and Your Holy Seat of Mercy. Just reach out and love them as You have reached out Your Mighty Hand to me, your son that You created fearfully and wonderfully with great care in the womb of Thy Creation.
You authored my very existence into life. You knew me before the beginning. You have never stopped loving me even when I could not see You and knew You not. Thy Perfect Love has cast out all my fears. You have restored my soul to release, renew & restore what has been long hidden from the world and from myself.
You have opened mine eyes and ears. Thy Spirit has been faithful, good and true. I will tell them oh Lord of Your Greatness. You are so much more than the world knows. Your Ways, not mine oh Lord. Guide us by Your Holy Breath, Holy Spirit and Perfect Will from Your Lofty High Place.
Thank you for allowing me to see Your Son Jesus so many times in order that I would know how real and Living He Is. My Light has been lit and I cannot hide it. Give me the strength as Your servant to light the other candles that remain asleep, unlit. Let the many gifts you have bestowed upon me flow in Your Perfect purpose and the destiny You have shown me in Your Divine Plan.
Use my soul, heart, hands, feet and voice as Your vessel of Truth with steadfast resolve. May Your Truth flow forth as music to the hearts of the many you seek to release, renew, restore and bless that they might bless Our Father in heaven as You do.
Amen, Amen, Amen
MusiKreativ And The Yah’shua Project:
Life is in Christ Jesus, in Yah’shua. It is about Him, not us. May His Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. The Yah’shua project is a vision the Lord has shared with me through His Eyes. He guides me by His Holy Spirit, His very breath. I now apply the full measure of faith given me at birth by the Father…Now as I am being restored to the original me He so carefully, so specially made so long ago in His eyes.
His Light will light and guide us in ourwalk on the High Path with Him. The Lord has answered every prayer I have prayed by the guidance of His Holy Spirit, The Will of Our Father that I have heard and seen. How shall we do His Will lest we hear Him?
This stage has been anointed in the old sacred Levitical tradition of the early churches before they decided to self rule. In the spirit of reverence we seek to serve only The Lord. There will be no fleshly ambition or vain imaginations in this, His project set apart for His purposes.
The Lord Says…“Freely Give That Which I Give You Freely.
That which you freely receive give unto those I give you. Share what is good and true with them. I Am the why, when, where and what.” Be a vessel unto Me serves only Me, Me Alone. I Am Lord Alone and Lord over all things.”
Give first what is due unto The Father as this deep reverence is long overdue in our lives. This is a stage The Lord has prepared. He prepares us and provides all that is necessary to begin and carry forth His mission. This is a rooftop from which to shout. It is His Truth, His Spirit that is without question.
The world knows Him not. We are to serve as beacons of His Light. He will light our individual servant’s candle According His Will and His Timing. He will move heaven and earth to deliver those given Him by The Father from the captivity of strongholds and the kingdom of darkness.
He will properly re-align our souls with our Hearts that only He can restore. The Lord does everything perfectly and completely when given His Proper Place in our lives. After all, His work is unto life everlasting compared to the world’s shallow illusions and false reflections of life that are fleeting.
Show me the fruits of the Spirit and the ways in heaven done here on earth. As I look I find not fulfillment of the Lord’s Prayer…Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven. We are given The Word as a mirror to view our conduct before God. We cannot hide what we have become and expect the abundance of His blessings and the full measure of promises set forth. These promises were kept by The Father’s sacrifice of His Son who became the Living Covenant, The Deliverer, King and Victor. Let us not take this lightly.
The Lord is bringing together His people which requires vessels unto Him to bring them together. As in the days of Moses and Abraham so the world needs leaders in Christ with the steadfast, unfaltering spirit of Elijah.
It is far better to be a captive unto The Lord than unto the darkness of the world. Greater is He that is in me than He that is of the world. John spoke of being set apart from the world unto The Kingdom of God, of Yah…Set apart unto His Love that drives out all fear, doubts and limitations.
“You live alone hiding with your fears.” It is not safe to hide in the dark…The Lord Says…”Hide in My Holy Light under My Wing.”
This project is to glorify and edify The Lord in All of it’s many facets. As Yah’shua, The Son of God always gave The Father the glory so we are encouraged by His example and modeling the how. He Was, Is and Shall be the ONLY How and the ONLY Way as His Name was placed Above ALL names. At the mention of His name all shall bow in heaven, in the earth and under the earth encompassing the entire creation from that which is dark to that which is light.
As it was when The Father made night and day to keep the light and dark separated so now The Son will separate all that is dark from all that is light. Lukewarm, or that which mixes good and evil… double mindedness He will spit out.
He Is The Lamp Stand, The Sevenfold Spirit.
It is far better to be a captive unto Yah’shua, Christ Jesus than to a captive of the world we live in…Let us partake of The Good Fruit of He That Was, Is and Eternally Shall Be The Tree Of Life.
I say apply the faith given you unto eternal life, not death.
Let not your tongue speak death…Speak Life With Confidence
In Christ Jesus, In Yah’shua !
Amen, Amen, Amen.
The Lord Now Asks”Will You”…Please read the pdf’s below: