The Well Is Deep
Come And Drink From The Well That Is Deep…I welcome all the weary travelers that have come !
…An Invitation From The Lord !
“There will be no rest this Sabbath Day as there are many sheep that have fallen into the dark well. As I reached into the well to rescue you My sheep in peril I ask that you reach out for My people. My children must gather and come to know Me Their Holy God in the way I have come to you and you to Me.
-I Am The Center Around Which All Things Revolve…
-I Am The Axis.
-I Am The Keel.
-I Am The Meal Served.
Feed My children as I have fed thee. Lay down your life for them as I have done for thee. Speak The Truth I have given thee. Tell them not to fear and not to flee from Me.
The First Drink Is The Sweetest but will be bitter to the stomach. Give them freely of all you have been given. Hold nothing back for it is of My Spirit. I will refill the cup that Overfloweth.
I Grant You More…feed them The Manna I Provide The Precious Things of Heaven The Precious Things of My Kingdom that Cometh. And I will fill the baskets that are empty. The frail and broken hearts need mending as fabric that is torn.
I will open the flood gates of My Well That Is Deep…Come all ye that are thirsty and in need. Gather ye all At The Well that is fed by My Rivers of My Living Water. Be ye as the tree firmly rooted beside My Rivers that bring Release, Renewal And the Restoration of your hearts and souls.
I Am The Keeper And I Invite you to enter My Chamber That Is Holy for rent is the curtain that once separated us. It was finished at The Cross of Your Salvation. Bow and open your heart that you may be rent, be rent By My Spirit That Is Holy be ye rent in The Light of My Truth that now will enter into your dark place of fear and aloneness, the chambers hidden.
Though in darkness you may fear My Light trust ye in Me and be not afraid for I Have Come to set you free. I have been waiting patiently. I have been preparing for this time.
I now call My sheep that are My children Unto Me Your Lord And Your God… You are Mine And Mine Alone. You will know My Voice, The Voice of Your Shepherd. I Am Your Faithful And Your Trusted Friend. I Am The First And I Am The Last… I have come to deliver you from bondage once again !!!
A bride that is hidden is not seen, sees not and knows not her Husband. I Lift The Veil that she may see by The Light of My Lampstand. I Say There is A Day Coming and it is Near… The Day of The Wedding that so rapidly approaches. Be not as the foolish virgins that sought The Oil for their lamps in the world.
That which I Giveth cannot be taken away. That which you will receive of Me is that which you seek. I will reveal to you the Deep Things… From The Well That Is Deep!
Come all ye and be ye found. Come all ye that seek. “
Written by Cd’A…Received of The Lord October 28, 2006
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