I met Jaylyn through Desmond Haney who brought him into the studio one day. As I heard him playing the 88 key piano I could not believe the feel and the flow that came through him into the keys. He moved with an elegance that was really special. He comes in frequently to record music which is a joy to witness for me as the sound engineer. His layering of instruments and sounds yields an energy, a fullness and a depth that reaches deep into one’s heart and soul.
There are also some great collaborations with Desmond Haney to be found at “Musikreativ Studios In The Flow” with many more to come with various artists here! Jaylyn also has several songs where vocals will be added that will be released very soon!
Please Enjoy The Exceptional Melodious Drinks from Jaylyn’s music sites, they will move and touch you deeply!
With Love And Blessings In Christ, In Yah’shua,
Cornell d’Angelo And Jaylyn Edwards